Saturday, February 9, 2008

taking a minute...

so an early update, because I work today 4-10 and won't have time to post.
Im leaving for the gym in a few minutes then coming home and cleaning the cars.
So yesterday me and my parents went to Lakeland. 
{Southeastern University} to pick up Michelle's car
it needs like an oil change, and stuff. 
So we go up there, and not to down Lakeland or
{southeaster} but that is my least favorite place,
i've decided for now, i had never been there before.
Its like ghetto south. I could not live there.. 
there's {nothing} there, [nothing]. 
i would GO insane. really. I would.
We also got [lost] on the way up{?}.
bah, we had no idea where we were. 
freaky. It turned out to be an ok trip though.
my parents are cool:)
something else?
I'm getting a new car this week, 
I'm excited. Its like something I picked.
it excites me.
Although its going to be weird not driving
the car i've been driving, i [certainly] like
the one I'm getting much better, but its different.
something new. 
alrighty' friends going to the gym, 
come visit me at work later:)
..see everything yourself:)...

Thursday, February 7, 2008


"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
- M.W. 

I really love that quote..  I'm reading this book and its talking about like the power of our minds in Christ. I'm really trying to think positive, and work for things I want. I really believe in the power of positive thinking. If we consciously want something { not talking materialistic things} it unconsciously will happen. I believe. We have to work hard, but not stress. We can't control the world but we can have faith and hope. Whoever you are you should feel great about your life. This world has so many things to offer, so many unique people, and places to explore. Experiences that will happen and you won't even know there happening. Don't stress over things, live life, enjoy life... and it will unfold how it should..

other notes: This week seems to have been a long week.. this weekend should be great:)
i work saturday 4-10 and then sunday 630-close . not bad. and sunday should be a good day. then Tuesday I have Character first. fun stuff. ok. well this is all. adios

See Everything Yourself...


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Fat Tuesday..

So its Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday in New Orleans today. 
happy but {{sad}}. I wish I was there. I miss it. 
I watched some stuff about it on the news at the gym.
home. haha.

the rest of the day has been o.k. 
my moms sick, so that stinks.
hopefully she'll feel better soon. 
I was suppose to work tonight but then
someone is covering for me. SO
I don't work again until {saturday}
then, I'm looking forward to Sunday:) 

Saturday, I enjoy who I'm working with. 
it makes the night easier if you work with fun 
people:). Course, everyone at Cold Stone is fun :D

So Dr. Oz is on t.v. today. I'm most likely the 
only person my age going to watch it, but I am.
I love that. ha..

So this is it {{for now}} 
i'll post again . later . 
have good days.


Sunday, February 3, 2008

"All hail the New York Giants.!"

Obviously. I want the New York Giants to prevail.
I can't believe its Super Bowl already. 
I really don't remember have a really 
exciting football day, except for some
reason I remember one a really long 
time ago, when a friend came over and
we didn't go to Wednesday night church.
{bad to the bone} and we had fun. 
Honestly though I don't even know
what teams were playing that year. 

Another note today was a pretty good day.
nothing that interesting. 
Although I was super tired for some
reason, and i slept for like 2 hours.
[nappy time] .
anyways, thats about all for right now.
I'm off to watch Super Bowl. XLII.

... see everything yourself ...


super cool party people.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

"Forget them, Wendy. Forget them all. Come with me where you'll never, never have to worry about grown up things again".

. i like that quote.

So just got home from work. 
which was pretty fun today.
2-6. it wasn't all that busy. so
we tried to entertain ourselves..
haha. Lindsay is so funny thats all im saying.
and ashley is my accomplice. 
you don't know what im talking about but it was
so work was ok.
This week has been stressful it feels like. 
everyday something more stressful seems 
to happen. why cant life be simple?
i guess then it wouldn't be any fun right? .
sometimes i think i would be ok with that.
sometimes i wish i could fly away like Peter Pan.
wouldn't that be nice?

The future seems to be bright though. 
so im always looking up.
anyways . short and sweet. 
but this is it. enjoy have a good night.

See everything yourself.

Friday, February 1, 2008

cherries and syrup:)

so I wrote this extremely long post yesterday. 
and it deleted itself {{ with accidental help from me}}
. oops... I hate when that happens.
so i'm about to attempt to remember 
{{everything}} I wrote yesterday.
Today though. Seems like it's going 
to be a stressful day for some reason.
We have someone coming to do something
at our house. and blah. 
on the other hand I'm about to 
leave for the gym, then grab some food at 
[Ada's]. Then later I think we may be going 
to look at cars. The car i've been driving basically
wasn't for me. I mean it was something to use.
its complicated. i can't explain. But I'm not 
a car person at all, i'd rather live somewhere an walk.
BUT unfortunately walking around Fort Myers 
doesn't get me all that jazzed. so alas I need a car. 
 my own car {{possibly}}.
Lets see what else is there to post on this lovely thing. 
if it { I} don't delete it this time. 
I work tonight which should be ok. 
I only work 6-10 so thats not bad.
I work with fun people. so it should be ok.
well. this is it. seems like it'll be a long day.
more post to come.
... see everything yourself ... 

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

keep the days comin...

was a pretty ok day.
i went to the gym. then Ada's, then i got an ipod at Best Buy.
Ipods are a bittersweet thing. I hate uploading C.D.s to my computer, but then you have all of that on one, and its connectable to the car. I guess the benefits outweigh the annoyance of uploading. Here I am uploading.blah. .oh well.

So I'm trying to find some safaris and stuff for africa, and some things to do in Spain. I also have to book my flight to JFK. I already have my ticket to Spain then Africa but I have to get to New York first. ha. random thought. ..
I'm really excited about this trip. you have no idea. its so close but so far away it seems. hopefully it'll come soon.. I love leaving the country. it excites me. im so glad i get to travel. i was thinking of panama and japan today. i miss them. 
well im off.

..Bound to Cover More Ground..

"you don't call you don't write."

So xanga has become a thing of the past. I realized this as I was starting a post on there. Who am i writing to? no one reads this thing. So here I am on blogging. Maybe this will be the next big thing. maybe. well a first post. more to come. enjoy for now. ill be back on later..