Wednesday, January 30, 2008

keep the days comin...

was a pretty ok day.
i went to the gym. then Ada's, then i got an ipod at Best Buy.
Ipods are a bittersweet thing. I hate uploading C.D.s to my computer, but then you have all of that on one, and its connectable to the car. I guess the benefits outweigh the annoyance of uploading. Here I am uploading.blah. .oh well.

So I'm trying to find some safaris and stuff for africa, and some things to do in Spain. I also have to book my flight to JFK. I already have my ticket to Spain then Africa but I have to get to New York first. ha. random thought. ..
I'm really excited about this trip. you have no idea. its so close but so far away it seems. hopefully it'll come soon.. I love leaving the country. it excites me. im so glad i get to travel. i was thinking of panama and japan today. i miss them. 
well im off.

..Bound to Cover More Ground..

"you don't call you don't write."

So xanga has become a thing of the past. I realized this as I was starting a post on there. Who am i writing to? no one reads this thing. So here I am on blogging. Maybe this will be the next big thing. maybe. well a first post. more to come. enjoy for now. ill be back on later..